quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2008
Thursday 31st January, 2008
My IT teacher has given me my Investigation back, after she corrected it, I think it was good and so did she. I only need to add a small thing to my investigation to be perfect, even though nothing is actually perfect, consequently we can say make it as good as possible. I need to add an explanation about magazine advertising. I am going to work on it over the Carnival holidays. One week of free time, YEAH!!!
quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2008
Wednesday 30th January, 2008
Today I recreated my pole and have only one step to finish my design section.
Wednesday 30th January, 2008
Answer:Kitten Problem
I believe that you could try to advertise that you are giving away three kittens, by Poster and flyers and Newspaper advertisment. These two means of advertising would be the best solution, since this type of advertising is not very used on television, magazine, radio advertisment. However, in my opinion, Newspaper is also not as effective as flyers and posters, since when a person is reading a newspaper they are not actually interested in kittens and newspaper advertising is more expensive than the other two. If you were to advetise that you are giving away your kittens using posters in cafe's and tea salons, mostly, would be very effective because people who there, are interested in these kinds of things. Perhaps, you could also put some flyers in people's mail boxes and in the salons or cafe's because then people could analyse it better. An e-mail could also be effective because if you send it to a number of people, these people will send to their contacts and this would go on until a person wants them.
I believe that you could try to advertise that you are giving away three kittens, by Poster and flyers and Newspaper advertisment. These two means of advertising would be the best solution, since this type of advertising is not very used on television, magazine, radio advertisment. However, in my opinion, Newspaper is also not as effective as flyers and posters, since when a person is reading a newspaper they are not actually interested in kittens and newspaper advertising is more expensive than the other two. If you were to advetise that you are giving away your kittens using posters in cafe's and tea salons, mostly, would be very effective because people who there, are interested in these kinds of things. Perhaps, you could also put some flyers in people's mail boxes and in the salons or cafe's because then people could analyse it better. An e-mail could also be effective because if you send it to a number of people, these people will send to their contacts and this would go on until a person wants them.
segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2008
Monday 28th January, 2008

Home page one

Home page two

Home page two
Please vote for what you think is the best desgn for my home page.
I have achieved my desired point, by today's lesson, I have acomplished the three design that were made by using Photoshop. I believe I have succeeded and are now able to continue my design and the entire project.
quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2008
Wednesday 23rd January, 2008
This double period I did not work as hard a in the previous lessons, since more a less half of the second lesson I was trying to access the school folder by Vista Internet. However, I have finished the first design.
segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2008
Monday 20th January, 2008
Today's lesson was very productive because I learnt how to actually use the Photoshop program and successfully produced a design for the website introduction page, working on the second point of the design. Danny was a very cool person he taught me how to work with the entire program. Thank you Danny boy!
Wednesday 16th January, 2007
This lesson I handed in my first draft of the Investigation. However, the double period was different, because I learnt how to use Photoshop and Jasc 09. It was an interesting expirience.
segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2008
Monday 14th January, 2008
Today's lesson was very productive, since I have finished the first and third point of my investigation section of the Promotional CD Project. So, I just have to finish point number two, which I have already started on Wednesday, last week. So, really, I will only need to finish a small amount of work for homework. I merely need to analyse the four flash web sites that I have promptly collected on Wednesday.
quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2008
Wednesday 9th January, 2008
Last lesson we did not have computers, so we were introduced to a new topic, Promotinal CD project. Today, I started the Investigating part of the project.
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