segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2007

Monday 10th December, 2007

Today, I completed a work about the Copyrights of images. This was a small investigation, which taught us a lot about the copyright laws of images and the laws in general.
It was fun, and very rewarding!

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2007

Wednesday 5th December, 2007

In the class we performed a task using microsoft Excel, which Microsoft created for users to do, so that could people can graphs to learn in the best way. The pisture on the top is an example of the final redsult I aquired during the process of Excel recreation. I believe that this excercise was very useful to test my capacities in creating graphs in Excel and it was interesting to all aspects of my mind.

quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

Wednesday 28th November, 2007

During this duble lesson I had the capacity of finishing my entire Project, consequently I was able to hand the project on the due date, today. I did the whole of the Evaluation during this lesson, since it was not difficult and did not require any adquirement of information.

Now, it is the last entry. This means that it is the end of the project.


Monday 26th November, 2007

During this double lesson I was only able to do the finishing of the Instruction sheet and the process of manifacturing, including all possible sponsors and materials. I think that these two steps were quite straight forward, and were easy to produce.

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2007

Wednesday 21st November, 2007

During this double period I was able to present my work to the class, even though a great amount of people were ill and could not attend shcool. Consequently, we were only nine out of fourteen and the teacher.
I have now been introduced to the Create stage and have completed point sixteen.

Monday, 19th November 2007

Today's lesson was the presentation day, everyone got to present their communication system, except Danilo and I. I believe that everyone's presentation was quite good, all systems were developed at the stucents best standards. Well Done year 10 LYB!

quarta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2007

Wednesday 14th November 2007

During this last two periods I have just finished the second point of the Communicating Information - Plan stage. But, I was also able to start my oral presentation, which I have decided to do a Microsoft Power Point presentation. Firstly, I had to decide what was my method of communication, I choose the first one, which was a development of a watch via satellite communication with the lifegaurds all over the country. I have produced a variety of diagrams that support my idea of communicating infromation.

segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2007

Monday, 12th November 2007

Today, Ms. Odelson, the Librarian, came to our double period to tell us and explain to us how to evaluate websits, gave us definitions about computer terms and we had fun because we went to amasing sites. The websites were very funny, they were amusing for the entire class.
Thank you Ms. Odelson.

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007

Wednesday 7th November 2007

Another lesson, another advance. The first lesson of teh double period I have completely finished point one, two and four of the Plan. I actually have developed a lot from the planning because I worked by myself based on my previous research. I actually think that my final product is very effective and will work perfectly forits purpose. Now I am ready to do my oral presentation and my Create.

segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2007

Monday, 5th November 2007

This double period I was able to put up to date my blog, since I missed a entry last wednesday the 24th of October. I have also finished point one of the plan section and am now ready to continue.

Wendesday, 24th October 2007

This lesson was merely a single lesson, or half a lesson, because it was UN day (United Nation day), so I was not able to do a lot of project work. Consequently, I was only able to finish my flowchart and think about somethings I should do.

segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2007

Monday, 22nd October 2007

During this double period I have started the Plan, I have started to write about ny own methods of communication.

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2007

Monday, 15th October 2007

Throughout the whole of this double lesson, I have been refrencing my work, adding dates retrieved and titles of the websites. this was all I did; because I have finished all of the Investigate.

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2007

Wednesday 10th October, 2007

With these four weblinks I have been able to obtain information about communication at sea, related to the signal and frequencies. In particular, I researched about cellular phones, Radio frequencies, Blackberries, Walkie-Talkie and Propagation distances. I will use this to create my future communication at Guincho beach.

Now, to finish my project I will only have to wait for Danny to go to the Guincho beach to collect imformation about the contacts of the lifeguards, as he has offered himself to do so.

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2007

Monday, 8th October 2007

During this double period I have finally finished the boxes of my timeline (copy the information I had written and paste it in the boxes). And I have finished the little details of the fifth point of the Investigate. I have also edited a small amount of information on my blogspot, since I had some mistakes.

Wednesday 3rd October, 2007

Today, I have found a lot of information and used it all in my Investigate section:
For point four I found 4 useful sites, that contain different information about differnt subjects:

However, for point five I found 3 sources from which I took a good amount of information:

For point seven I used some sources, but I also used a great amount of personal knowledge.

I have now finished everything except number five and seven, it has been very good to obtain such a great amount of information about communication, somethings I have just learnt and others I've remembered. It has been very rewarding for my personal knowledge.

segunda-feira, 1 de outubro de 2007

Wednesday 24th September, 2007

This lesson I have continued to work on number two, three and four, I have now enough information to initiate a good points in my Investigate.

New refrences:

segunda-feira, 24 de setembro de 2007

Monday, 24th September 2007

A new week has started and I am ready to work! During this double lesson I will be completely finished with my Timeline. I have now iniciated the second point of the Investigation: Research the current methods employed at sea. I found useful information at three webpages:

So, now I have enough information to start the second point of the Investigation. I have now copied the inmformation of a good website for the source of my third point of this section:
Investigate current methods of communication employed by lifeguards. The site is:

Now that I have the information I will start writing the two points in my own words. So that I can move on to the other parts of the this section and further on start my Plan, Design, Create and Evaluate.

segunda-feira, 17 de setembro de 2007

Monday, 17th September 2007

Today was a progressive double lesson, since i am almost done with my Timeline on communication and the importance of the changes and inventions. I believe I will be finished by the end of the next lesson.

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2007

Wendesday, 12th September 2007

During this afternoon's double period my inicial plan is to finish the two first points of the "Investigate" section of my project. However, it took me a bit more time to do the timeline for the first point of the "Investigate" section, so I was not able to do the second point and I didn't finish the timeline so I will have to finish it and start the second point on Monday's double period.

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2007

Monday, 10th September 2007

Today, during the double lesson I was able to download the unit work plan from, so I now have every information I need to start my project. At the start of the second period I have produced a title page for my project and started to research point one: Research the history of communicating information and produce a timeline of landmark developments. I went to google and researched information about "the history of communication" and I found this amazing site that contained very interesting information and a fantastic timelime. This was in Finding information and starting the project is indeed a good start!

quarta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2007

My name is Catarina Fernandes Ferreira and during year 10's I.T. course I will be working on a project named Communicating Information. I will be doing an investigate, plan, design, create and evaluate.